With friends, I tried to invent a solution to help organizations manage their subscriptions to SaaS apps.
Companies and more particularly startups and fast-growing SMEs subscribe to many services requiring recurring payment, or buy many renewing licenses, for different platforms/software such as Notion, Salesforce, Miro, Slack or many others that serve several different purposes. Within our companies, we realized that sometimes certain services are not really used or that several services are in fact used to perform the same tasks. It's on the basis of this observation that we understood that companies sometimes lack visibility concerning the various services they use and to which they subscribe.
Problem statement
To shape our vision we tried to answer to the question: "How might we as a new service provider, help businesses to centralize all of their SaaS apps/softwares subscriptions in the same place, in order to improve the visibility of the services they use and monitor their spendings ?"
Building a tangible product
We started to write down our segment target, created personas, fixed the key functionalities of our product for a v1 release, how we wanted to organize the work, etc... I worked with my friend Katia HIE on the UX/UI design side and Telmo CRESPO handled the marketing strategy. When the project would've been mature enough, I would've worked on the technical side/web development of our app.
We set recurring meetings in order to track our progress and validate, altogether, every step of the process.
Everything we've done has been documented on Notion, using a collaborative workspace.
After long talks, hours of research, design thinking workshops, and decision making we've finally arrived to the elaboration of a first user flow that I created.
Once we had validated our user flow and how we wanted to compose the layout of the app pages, we started wireframing. We wanted to give life to our idea in order to imagine it better. Here are the first drafts I made. At the time, I took the opportunity of this project to try wireframing on InVision Studio as I've been an Adobe XD freak for a long time.
Showcase / Presentation website
After a couple of weeks of working on the project, we began to think about how to grow an audience or a community we could convert later into potential prospects, then customers/users of our solution. We had a couple of ideas in mind but first, we needed to create a website to present our project to the world.
I took the responsibility of designing the showcase website.