
Hi there, I’m Lenny! I’m a UX-oriented Project Manager & Designer based in Paris, France. I work closely with individuals and organizations to build and grow long-lasting products & services.

I graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Digital Project Management & Web Development at EEMI, and a Master’s Degree in Design/Management of digital products and services at Gobelins Paris.

I associate creative, engineering, business and management skills to get things done. I work closely with every stakeholders involved in a project, from the client to the end-user, passing by the production team.

Passionate about the omnichannel ecosystem, I love to research, conceive and develop innovative solutions, using my multidisciplinary skills and experiences.

Always eager to learn, experiment, and do better, my entrepreneurial head makes me a fearless crafter!

I have worked for - and with - several organizations such as local business owners, freelance collectives, creative agencies or big accounts such as leaders in cosmetic industry.

The creative process begins here.



  • Market & User Research
  • Vision & Strategy shaping
  • UX Writing

Interaction & Engineering

  • UX Design
  • UI Design
  • Front-End Development & Engineering


  • Teams & Projects coordination
  • Project Management & Ownership
  • Employee experience


NYX Professional Makeup - L’ORÉAL

  • E-Commerce Manager DtoC - Europe Zone
2022 - Present


  • Digital Project Manager & Front-End Engineer
2020 - 2022


  • Project Manager & Designer
Since 2020


  • Front-End Engineer Intern
Summer 2020